Pros and Cons of Cryptocurrency for India
Cryptocurrency A fully decentralised, peer-to-peer electronic cash system that does not need the purview of any third-party financial institution. It started with Bitcoin which was created by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 as a response to the lack of trust in the existing banking system during the 2008 global financial crisis. PROS CONS tamper-proof ledgers volatility and fluctuations verification of transactions and contracts isn’t backed up by a sovereign state and a public institution like a central bank (RBI) updating and maintenance of records poses a threat to financial stability Integrating blockchain technology into financial sector would help increase savings worth billions of dollars These tasks of blockchain technology are usually done by financial institutions/banks which take a fee for their service. At the moment, intermediaries (including banks, credit card and payment gateways) draw almost 3 per cent from the total global economic output ...