Need to end the vaccination gap in the World

The world is stuck with a pandemic that started two years ago. Just when we thought that it was nearing the end, with the advent of vaccines, another wave has hit us. We don't see major lockdowns now because economies cannot afford another one, but, the disease is spreading like wildfire with more than million cases a day and thousands of deaths across the world, thanks to the new variants. 
Omicron is the latest threat. We got lucky this time because it isn't as severe as the other variants but its infection rate is four times faster than that of the original n-CoV, and two times faster than that of the Delta variant. However this might not be the case for future variants. New variants that emerge might get weaker and affect lives less, or it can get stronger and bypass our immunity to infect us badly. 
With new variants emerging time and again, when is this pandemic going to end? Will life become normal again? 

coronavirus - from WHO website

These questions are the biggest concerns of the world right now. The answer to all your queries is- to end vaccination gap. While more than 4 billion people or more than 60% of the world have received atleast a single dose of vaccine, there are still less developed countries that have not vaccinated majority of its people. Infact Omicron was first detected in Africa (in laboratories of Botswana and South Africa), a continent that has the least number of people vaccinated. According to scientists, newer variants that emerge will not be as mild as the Omicron variant. It can mutate to develop into a variant that can render our vaccines ineffective! If the population remains unprotected, coronavirus spreads and would continue to mutate hence giving birth to newer variants. Hence, we need to vaccinate the entire population of the world to prevent the spread and end COVID once and for all! 

The global vaccine tracker has exposed the vaccine inequality. Developed countries have not only double vaccinated its majority, they have also started to roll out booster shots for its people. At the same time, there are countries, especially in Africa, where less than 1% have received the first dose. 
The vaccine inequity will have a lasting impact on socio-economic recovery in low and lower middle income countries. The Global Dashboard on COVID-19 Vaccine Equity found that low-income countries would have added $38 billion to their GDP forecast for 2021 if they had the same vaccination rate as high-income countries. Global economic recovery would is at risk if vaccines are not equitable.

Why do we need to end the vaccination gap?

  1. To end pandemic
  2. To prevent multiplication of variants that undermine the effectiveness of existing vaccines
  3. To lift restrictions that are holding back our economies & freedom
  4. To stop increasing poverty & global inequalities
  5. To reduce the gap between advanced & developing economies
  6. To reduce geopolitical tensions
  7. To reduce discrimination & vaccine apartheid
  8. It is morally the right thing to do!

How to reduce the vaccination gap?

  1. Global vaccine outreach/export programs
    • COVAX - enables access to/exports vaccines globally, esp poorer countries
    • Vaccine Maitri - India's global vaccine export prog
  2. Countries with knowledge & means should increase their production capacities to vaccinate their own as well as export
  3. Lift restrictions on exports of vaccine resources
  4. Avoid linking vaccines to political goals & vaccine nationalism
  5. Patent and license restrictions must be lifted on Covid related vaccines, medicines and other resources to enhance flexibility & boost its manufacturing
  6. Cooperation among countries to facilitate vaccine exports to low & middle income countries
  7. No-profit policy should be in place similar to the EU global Covid vaccine commitments
  8. Facilitate knowledge and technology transfer
  9. Support should be given to African countries to boost manufacturing of vaccines, medicines and health technology in Africa
  10. IMF should support low and lower middle income coutries to fund for their vaccines
  11. UN resolution to make vaccines free for poor


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